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My 2011 Challeges

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Teresa's Reading Corner: My 2011 Challeges

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My 2011 Challeges

Wow, there are some great challenges popping up all over the place.  You already know that I'm participating in my Audio Book Challenge which runs from Jan 1, 2011 through December 31st 2011.

I also told you that I'll be participating in the What's in a name challenge hosted by Beth Fish Reads.  I'm still compiling my list for this one.  My plan right now is to choose these books entirely from my TBR shelf.  I've got some options for a few of them, but I might have to get a little creative for the others.  This one also runs on the calendar year.

I've also decided to take part in Dollycas's Just for Fun Reading Challenge.  As bloggers we can sometimes get caught up in reading for review purposes only, relying on deadlines to guide our reading.  This challenge asks us to read one book per month just because we want to. 

These two lead me to one that I found this morning hosted by Bookish Ardour.  This one is the Off the Shelf Challenge.  I want a bit more than the initial level of 5 books so I'm shooting for the second level  "Trying=15 books".  This one also runs on the calendar year.

The Amy Einhorn Books Perpetual Challenge is another hosted by Beth Fish Reads.  Unlike the others, this one has no specific time frame.  There are some excellent books listed that I have wanted to read for some time, so I thought I'd jump in on this one. 

My personal challenge (which I haven't created a button for yet) for number of books in 2011 will be 85.  I was shooting for 50 in 2010 and exceeded that, but I don't think I'm going to make it past 80.  I didn't want to go for double because I'm pretty sure that I cannot continue reading at the same pace that I did for most of this year.  I think 85 is a pretty reasonable goal considering all of the other things that I have going on my life.

Have you found any challenges to participate in?



At November 27, 2010 at 3:40 PM , Blogger Julie P said...

Good luck with all of these great challenges!

At November 27, 2010 at 4:09 PM , Blogger Teacher/Learner said...

I'm getting into the What's in a Name challenge, too, and I'm also participating in Back to the Classics. Good luck :)

At November 27, 2010 at 4:20 PM , Blogger Reading Allowed said...

I'm only participating in your Audio Book challenge right now. In 2010 I was trying to read 100 books and only made it to 84 this year (so far!), so I'm going to lower my expectations for 2011 :)

At November 27, 2010 at 4:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One always needs many challenges to start a new year right? LOL I joined your audio challenge but couldn't find where to comment. I will make a post about it this week. Now I am off to check out the others you mentioned. Oh yea, I am following too. Have challenges, will follow. LOL
My TBR Shelf?

At November 27, 2010 at 5:20 PM , Blogger . said...

Love these challenges, Especially the Just For Fun.

Come by and enter my giveaway for some beautiful jewelry if you like:

At November 27, 2010 at 9:01 PM , Blogger Tash said...

Hi Teresa, my reading goal is to explore Audio Books next year. Thanks for hosting the challenge, hopefully it'll give me the nudge I need to start listening to an audio book. Any recommendations on what I should start with first?

At November 28, 2010 at 1:45 PM , Blogger Your mom said...

These are impressive challenges. I'm getting my doctorate degree so I feel happy if I read five books a year that aren't coursework related. I used to devour books and I can't wait for those days (this is my last semester of classes then I have my comps and dissertation). Here's hoping I'll be compulsively reading everything in sight within a year(ish)! Good luck. 85 is so amazing!

At November 28, 2010 at 4:30 PM , Blogger Joann said...

Do you know about the 2011 Global Reading Challenge? I enjoy your blog and even have your button on my button page! If you'd like to check out the Challenge please come visit my blog

At November 28, 2010 at 6:20 PM , Blogger Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

85 is a good goal. I signed on for the 100+ challenge and I'm only at 64! But really, that's averaging one a week, and that's not so bad. I am only doing the Christmas Spirit challenge for now. Haven't decided anything else yet!

At November 29, 2010 at 12:20 AM , Blogger Bonnie said...

Thanks for joining in Teresa; I wanted to pay you a visit to welcome you to the Off The Shelf! challenge. I hope you have fun with it and I look forward to seeing what you end up reading.

Good luck!

At November 29, 2010 at 5:51 AM , Blogger Beth F said...

Thanks so much for signing up for tow (! wow!) of my challenges. Hope you have tons of fun with WIAN4 and you can't go wrong with Amy Einhorn Books. Look for 6 new titles from the imprint this year. I'll be featuring them and reviewing them in the months to come.

Oh and I love your personal challenge of 85 books. Good luck.

At December 13, 2010 at 3:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in for your Audiobook Challenge. I'm going for Fascinated. Thanks for hosting.

At December 14, 2010 at 2:21 PM , Blogger toothybooks said...

good luck with the challenges!


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